Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Uncle Don, Christopher, Evan, Grammy, Poppy, Aunt Sondra, Uncle Billy, and Dad --
I wish Jared and I could be there to remember Aunt Sharon with you all. Aunt Sharon and I always spent time together in her salon. Any time I would see Aunt Sharon, she would gift me nail polish and makeup -- an interest that I have to this day. Some of my fondest memories include celebrating Aunt Sharon's life in Myrtle Beach in the late 90s after several health scares, making wreaths in Grammy and Poppy's basement, spending the Christmas holidays with our families, and pool time at Grammy and Poppy's each summer. Whenever the Lowes would come to Cleveland or Columbus, I knew Aunt Sharon would bring me peach jam -- one of my absolute favorites.
I know Aunt Sharon has found peace, although that peace isn't earth side. I'm certain that all of her puppies greeted her as she entered the gates of Heaven.
All my love,
Lauren Stenger (Augostini)